Return to Oneness CHAPTERS

A year long journey finding your way home

Chapter 01 In The Beginning...

This is the beginning of our journey. We will set out the plan for our group journey, orient ourselves, and get to know our journey companions.

  • Welcome the group and give an overall picture of the program structure and essential logistics.
  • Introduce the building blocks and key elements that make up the program.
  • Introduce the Psychology of Vision (PoV) Triangle Model, a map of consciousness and the steps to Oneness – starting in Dependence, moving to Independence, and then transitioning to Interdependence and beyond.

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Chapter 02 The Next Step

We commence with the foundational elements of the PoV healing framework.

  • An introduction to the three major aspects of PoV: relationship, leadership, and spirituality
  • Understanding: projection, accountability, and choice, and the feminine healing and nurturing essence of PoV

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Chapter 03 Going Further

We continue by deepening our understanding of the foundational Feminine elements of PoV and to further build the group mind.

  • Setting and committing to our program, individual and group goals
  • Going further into the feminine as evoked in Lency’s journey
  • Breaking down the joining basics, the horizontal relationship, and the miracle

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Chapter 04 Joining

We will explore the importance of equality within relationship. These beginning chapters are intended to build a strong foundation and trust among the group before we go further into the subconscious mind.

  • Going deeper into the feminine through practicing joining and recognizing the choice of forgiveness
  • Learning meditation as a key ongoing practice to support healing during the program.


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Chapter 05 Dependence - Needs & Heartbreak

A dive into the first side of the Triangle to begin learning about what stands in the way of emotional maturity.

  • The dependent side of the Triangle’s first two stages
  • Acceptance and its benefits arising from our choices
  • Joining by using chakra awareness

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Chapter 06 Higher Perspective

We deepen our understanding of higher levels of consciousness, their perspectives, and the lessons we each have set for ourselves.

  • Lency’s theory of everything
  • The power of the Group Mind in joining

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Chapter 07 Emotional Evolution - Guilt

This chapter deals with how guilt can delay our journey and how to finally learn the lessons that help us move forward.

  • Recognizing the last stage of the dependent side of the Triangle: guilt
  • Getting through fusion and codependence
  • Meditation coaching to deepen this vital healing support

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Chapter 08 Emotional Intelligence - Guilt, Part 2

This chapter completes our exploration of the often sticky and tricky territory of guilt, emotional maturity, and intelligence, using the crucial accountability principles.

  • Accountability 101, an exercise we will practice throughout this program
  • Problem and conflict solving using healing principles
  • Joining as an emotional evolution using a simple love experience

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Chapter 09 Getting Through Expectation & Control

We have moved past the first corner of the PoV Triangle and we now enter dissociation and beyond. We heal our expectations in order to recover our and Heaven’s power by applying the principle of letting go.

  • The first stage of Independence and our power of choice
  • Expectation, control, and letting go

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Chapter 10 Getting Through Power Struggle

As we travel further in our journey, we face how to get through power struggle and its inherent fusion. We focus on discovering our natural inheritance of bonding and learn new relationship skills.

  • Healing power struggle for the promise of trust
  • Bonding: humans’ true inheritance and an ancestral healing exercise
  • In-depth exercise: healing the original relationship fight

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Chapter 11 Stage of Relationships

All the ingredients you need to succeed in relationships!

  • Stages of relationships and being in integrity to self and to others
  • Freefalling in joining

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Chapter 12 Breaking Through the Deadzone

The last stage of Independence is where most of society is currently doomed to live. We learn how to not stay stuck in it and to get beyond “just surviving.” We quickly learn the many lessons and the wisdom of this stage.


  • The traps of vicious circles and shadow figures
  • Understanding and moving past roles, duties, and the oedipal conspiracy
  • Rounding the corner of Interdependence and looking ahead!

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Chapter 13 The Courage to Heal Hearts

Having turned the second corner of the Triangle, we balance the feminine and masculine and learn about true partnership.

  • Dissolving dissociation and learning methods to build courage
  • The evolution of joining and our first experience of a fast-track method—a download!

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Chapter 14 Interdependence: Partnership, Friendship & Leadership

Friends helping friends. Is friends helping friends enough? Does it work? Can I have what I want? In this chapter we will look at these key elements of Interdependence:

  • The power of choice, leadership, and friendship
  • Healing our ancestral and past lives patterns
  • Opening our third eye and beginning to understand its vision

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Chapter 15 Feminine Leadership

We view the world as on the verge of a whole new beginning for the feminine. PoV has come to help us redeem ourselves and our fellow travellers through the feminine!

  • The world as our classroom and feminine leadership
  • Knowing our loveableness and having what we want and need
  • Women’s empowerment download and an exercise with words of power

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Chapter 16 Visionaries & Masters

As a leader we can jump into the river, as a visionary we invite the river to share its wisdom with others, and as a master we let the river come through us to change the world.

  • Birthing the higher mind by healing great wars, vicious circles, and idols
  • Your vision, your purpose, and giving up sacrifice
  • Cosmic sex

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Chapter 17 Mastery & The Enlightenment Corner

As we heal our family and cultural patterns, we become who we promised to be. Our life’s deepest issues are the blueprint to the journey of who we are destined to become: a master.

  • Mastery and the Enlightenment Corner
  • Shamanic and Mastery Level Tests
  • Healing the world through centering

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Chapter 18 Unity & Union

The journey from Mastery to the Mystic. To simply be willing to deeply let go of the roots of independence where the only way through is asking for help.

  • Unity Stage through our Conflict Authority
  • Core stories our Awakening Gateways
  • Facing the Light and Redemption of the Astral

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Chapter 19 Restoration & Union

To restore our mind to its natural state means we must deal with dark and ancient parts of the ego. But we are not without tools and help to get us through!

  • Restoring realms and astral introjection
  • Healing Introjections and the Hell worlds
  • Soul retrieval

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Chapter 20 Oneness - Graduation & Celebration

The last bit … and what’s next for you?

  • The Eternal Second
  • The Triangle review through time
  • From careful to carefree

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